The Online Therapy Clinic

BABCP CBT Clinical Supervision - Online CBT Supervisor

CBT Clinical Supervisor - BABCP Accredited

Online BABCP Accredited CBT Clinical Supervisor

I am Jaime G. Miralles, a CBT Therapist and Supervisor and EMDR Therapist, and founder of this platform.

At The Online Therapy Clinic, I provide high quality CBT Supervision. We are CBT Accredited BABCP supervisor and therapist.

If you are looking for an online CBT supervisor, or want to find a CBT supervisor, that is registered with the BABCP, and has wide experience in primary, secondary and private mental health settings, I can be of help to you.

Further to CBT, I have been trained in other 3rd Wave CBT approaches, such as DBT and ACT. I am also trained in EMDR.

I regularly create and deliver CPDs in these and other areas.

online cbt therapist for businesses

Jaime G. Miralles

BABCP Supervisor and Founder

online cbt supervision babcp

Supervision in CBT is very important. If you are or thinking to be registered with the BABCP having an accredited supervisor/therapist to do supervision will be a requirement for you to do so.

There are a lot of elements that need to be taken into consideration, to work toward BABCP accreditation, and finding a CBT supervisor that can help you through this is important.

If you are looking for an online CBT supervisor, that is registered with the BABCP, and has experience in primary, secondary and private mental health settings, you have come to the right place.

We are BABCP Accredited Supervisor and some of us are also SDS Level 4 Proficiency Supervisor and I am part of their SDS Professional Network.

If you are looking to find an accredited CBT therapist online that are empathetic, genuine and flexible, please get in touch for a free consultation.

Skills and Development Trainings and Webinars

If you are looking for affordable Practical Skills and Mental Health Skills Webinars and training visit the EventBrite web below:

How can we support you as an Online CBT Supervisor?

We can work together, whether you are a CBT therapist in training, someone looking for BABCP accreditation or an already accredited therapist. We also provide group supervision online for CBT, and sometimes run a group so please just drop me an email and we will let you know if there are some spaces.
Having gone through the accreditation process ourselves, we can work together you get you where you want to be.
We have supervised at university as well, so we are able to support you with the course and use supervision for your practice, and as managing the difficulties of undertaken such a difficult course as a BABCP CBT course. I can also write reports and rate CTS-r tapes, and give feedback to university.
We will regularly review tapes of your practice, especially if you are int raining, and we will ensure that you maximise supervision and that we follow CBT principles of supervision, using Padesky’s model. However, we integrate other models so to support therapists idiosyncratically.
Also, if you are looking for support helping you build your own private practice, we can support you to do so through supervision or mentoring sessions.

Cost of CBT Supervision

We offer affordable, both for individuals and groups. We offer supervision to trainees and people looking for accreditation, as well as, accredited clinicians.

The price for CBT supervision starts from***:

Trainees (in a course anywhere in the world): £55 per hour

Pre-accredited clinicians (not in training): £65 per hour

Accredited Clinicians*: £70 per hour

Prices for CBT Group supervision for students start from:

£50 per supervision group per supervisee. Example – group of up to 3 supervisees: £150 per 1.5 hours.

Please just drop me an email: [email protected], and we can discuss further supervision and we will be more than happy to answer any of your queries.

*Accredited with any regulatory professional body (example: BACP, BABCP, UKCP, or international).

**If you work place/employer is funding, please contact me as rates may change.

***Price varies if not within 9 to 17 working hours

If you would like to have 15 – 20 minutes FREE informal chat about CBT Clinical supervision, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Accreditations and Memberships

Recognised by Health Insurances

Online CBT therapy enables people to access a Specialist Therapist from anywhere and at any time

Online CBT Therapy reduce the difficulties of having to deal with some of the barriers to access good quality therapy